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Hair Care

Men, Look Your Best Regardless Of Age

Women aren’t the only ones that want to look their best; men are becoming more and more conscious of their looks as far as their skin, hair, and other cosmetic issues.
The first thing you need to do is make sure you are eating a healthy diet, the healthier your body is inside, the healthier your exterior will be.
Taking care of your hair is a multifaceted venture. Stress can cause such things as hair loss and graying, make an effort to deal with your stress by exercising, doing different yoga exercises, to relieve stress. Get yourself a massage, this will get your blood moving and help to remove impurities from your tissues including your hair follicles. Add to that the use of shampoo and conditioner containing moisturizers and you will help your hair maintain healthy vigor.
Skin care for men is as important as it is for woman. This means protecting it from UV rays, harsh chemicals, and any other of the many abuses men inflict upon their skin. Wear gloves if you’re dealing with harsh chemicals, put on UV rated sun screen if you intend to be out in the sun, even in the winter and treat your skin to a good moisturizing lotion.
This type of care will go a long ways towards keeping you younger looking no matter how old you are.
Easy Ways To Reduce Split Ends
If you have hair that is longer than just a few inches, you probably have had to deal with split ends. If you are using a good quality hydrating shampoo and conditioner, this will go a long ways towards helping you defeat split ends. There are also deep hydrating treatments that stay on your hair for about three minutes before washing out. They tend to protect your hair from heat damage and sun damage, if you use one of these treatments once a month you will reduce the chances of split ends even more.
Brand loyalty is nice but you don’t have to have it, there are actually many brands out there that have very good quality hydrating shampoos and conditioner, switching back and forth between them will actually benefit your hair, reduce the chance of build up and also reduce the chance of dandruff.
Be careful in combing your hair, if you have to tug on it, you’re likely to be damaging it. Wet hair stretches more than dry hair and is easier to damage but some products make combing out wet hair easier than dry. There are all sorts of theories regarding what combs or brushes to use on your hair. Your type of hair will have an effect on which type of comb or brush you use with the greatest success so in this area, try different options and use the one that works for you.
What To Do About Hair Loss Due To Psoriasis
Psoriasis is not simply dry scalp as some people think. Psoriasis is an immunity affecting condition that can produce symptoms in several regions of the body. It can produce scaling, discoloration, burning and itching, and hair loss. The hair loss generally associated with psoriasis is usually temporary, but in severe cases, the damage to the skin is so pronounced, that hair follicle damage is irreversible, and hair will not grow back. Management of the condition is the best method to minimize hair loss for psoriasis patients, with the most common remedies used being diet and symptomatic treatment, as well as a focus on not exacerbating the condition.
The red patches of skin cause by psoriasis are often linked to adverse reaction to medication, gastric abnormalities, stress, or an abundance or toxins in the body. The most common place for seeing the effects of psoriasis is on the head, though anyplace on the body is susceptible. Of the 50%+ that report scalp infection, treatment with medicated shampoo, usually containing salicylic acid are prescribed to control inflammation and itching.
Other anti itch ointments and even medications are used to further reduce selling and discomfort. No known medical cure is known for Psoriasis, though many of the symptoms associated with the disease are treatable.
Psoriasis seems to be agitated by a high acid diet, so the consumption of fish, vegetables and other foods with a high alkaline content are best eaten and fatty and other highly acidic foods such as chicken are best to be avoided. Other foods that are problematic are foods that are prone to promotion of toxicity, such as processed grains and starches. Eating whole grains and nutrient rich fruits and vegetables instead is good advice to follow.
In relation to hair loss and psoriasis, the best thing you can do is not to increase damage to the affected areas. Do not pull of scabs, or scratch reddened areas. This might promote the dislocation of hair, and if the follicle damage is extreme enough, that hair might be lost forever. Make sure to keep your hair moist through the use of oils or hair creams, and make sure to apply medication the area as prescribed to speed up the healing process.
As most hair loss due to psoriasis is temporary, the majority of sufferers will regain lost hair if care is taken and proper caution observed. Diet and proper medical follow through are your best friend when it comes to keeping your hair while experiencing psoriasis attacks.
Can Acai Berries Really Reduce Signs Of Aging?
Both men and women have been dealing with thinning hair and even baldness with whatever technology was available at the time. Whether the treatments were dietary in nature, purely applied cosmetic, or even surgical correction, each generation has done their best to outdo the previous in terms of safety, effectiveness, and natural aesthetics. today’s hair transplant surgery techniques fit the bill of all three to a tee.
The best thing about hair transplant surgery as opposed to other types of hair replacement or cosmetic procedure is that you can continue to hold your head up in self confidence knowing that the hair that is growing on your head is truly yours.
In previous years, most men, and even women, were given only a handful of extremely limited choices when it came to hair replacement. “Hair plug” surgery, which left a person’s with a full head of hair, but also looked like it was “planted” like a golf course track were about as technologically advanced as it got. Other choices were to take medications or herbal supplements, or the worst of the worst, you bought a can of “hair paint” off the TV at 2 AM and sprayed your hair on in the morning just to feel like an idiot by afternoon.
It is a good thing that medical science keeps getting better, because in the last 10-15 years, a new procedure, called Follicular hair transplant surgery, has now given those with male pattern baldness or other hair loss the ability to get natural hair transplant surgery, using their own hair, and leaving behind a natural, thick head of hair that looks like it belonged there all along.
Follicular hair transplant surgery is far better than hair butchery as the surgeon can take as few as 1-2 hairs from the back of the head, where the thickest hair resides, and transplant them to areas of concern. This ability to transplant so few hairs at a time allow for a natural pattern of removal and replanting to take place, instead of the unnatural looking “plug harvests” that seemed to be the result of previous methods.
With these surgeries becoming more commonplace, and as the cost for treatment comes down due to perfection of the technology, the need to try to hide under a rug or scrub and rub chemicals on your scalp at night can be replaced with the self confidence and great look provided by your own head of hair.

Don’t Wait For Baldness To Occur In Order To Gain Control of Hair Loss

Often the loss of hair can be controlled, or even stopped in its tracks and reversed, if it is caught early enough. With recent technological advances in hair care, especially in the area of male pattern baldness, the ability to slow down the rate of hair loss, stop it, and even re-grow hair is a medical fact. Feeling that your only options are hair pieces, spray products or surgery are a thing of the past. Hormonal and medicated creams and lotions, as well as ingested medication are now available on the market that can bring back a healthy head of hair with early detection.
There are many reasons for hair loss and several variables in a person’s life that could be a contributor. Hereditary considerations, environmental factors such as workplace chemical exposure, or even personal medications could be affecting your hairline, producing showing areas of scalp where hair used to be. Catching hair loss before it completely takes hold can often alarm you to needed changes in lifestyle that could be taken, such as protective equipment, medication changes, or even more serious hormonal issues that with the help of medical attention could be corrected, and thus eliminating your hair loss problem.
If the reason for your hair loss is not environmental, but in fact hormonal, or otherwise medical, often a combination of an oral medication, paired with a topical solution for the scalp has shown to produce the best results when trying to halt, or re-grow hair. Changes in diet and otherwise indulging in a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and stress reduction have also been shown to have influence on treatment progress and successful hair re-growth.
Seeking the advice of your doctor early can also have the added benefit of not ever having to make up for lost ground. If you are able to catch the problem and have it arrested or even reversed as early as possible, then the frustration of having to regain hair that has already fallen out can be lessened, and the chances of saving more hair from being lost to begin with can be increased. To be proactive now, getting into a medication and application routine as soon as possible, could save you from the incredible trouble and high expense of having to take more drastic measures in the future.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women & How It Happens

Female pattern baldness, or alopecia, is not as common as the male oriented pattern baldness in men, but affects more women than commonly thought. The causes for women to lose their hair or to experience noticeable thinning are as many and as varied as the reasons for male baldness. Reaction to medication, physical damage, and heredity are just a few. If you experience hair loss and are not sure what the reason is, seek the advice of a medical professional as soon as possible to make sure that it is not just a sign of a more serious medical condition.
Most female thinning and baldness is caused by hereditary factors, and usually follows the pattern of top of the hairline thinning, with the possibility of total frontal baldness with an eventual thinning, though rarely fully balding back of the head. Hereditary female pattern baldness, though the most common form of female hair loss, is also the least likely to react to treatment by medication, either OTC or prescribed. This condition is produced by testosterone and other hormonal changes which can lead to the conversion of DHT which in turn destroys hair follicles beyond the point of restoration. Lack of vitamins in the system, advanced age, and thyroid or other hormone related disorders are likely to increase your risks for hair loss also.
Most hair restoration medications, unfortunately work only for men, and medication can actually be more of a precursor to female hair loss than it is to be an effective treatment. Steroids, blood thinners, and contraceptives, including those administered for hormone replacement due to menopause can increase the chances of experiencing female pattern baldness. Some hair loss due to medication is temporary, and even major re-growth can take place once the suspect medication is removed from the system. There are women who completely go bald due to chemotherapy and other high potency drug cocktails, but once treatment is ceased, the hair is able to return.
If hair loss is permanent, usually the only option left is hair transplant surgery, Thanks to advances in hair restoration technology this is now widely available and is capable of producing extremely natural looking results. Before deciding on restorative surgery, make sure to rule out the existence of other complications that might be able to be corrected, allowing your hair to re-grow. Hair replacement, like any other surgical option, should be thoroughly discussed with a medical professional and all risks and benefits weighed.
You Just Thought You Were Washing Your Hair The Right Way…
After all, we have been doing it for as long as we can remember. We should at least know how to do something that’s as simple as washing our own hair. You could easily be washing your hair improperly helping you hair become damaged without having any knowledge of doing it. Let’s take a look at washing your hair the proper way.

Your hair is just like a fragile package.

One thing in particular that is very important for you to remember about your hair is no matter how thick or strong it could seem, it’s fragile. You need to treat your hair like a carton of eggs persay. If you pull at it, it can easily break and fall out. You don’t want to lose that sexy hair do you?

The First Step To Washing Your Hair Properly

The first step in proper hair washing is to comb out any tangles or knots that are in your hair. By doing this, you’re making it easier to wash your hair as well as assuring that it’s not tangled up when you get out of the shower. When you’re in the shower, you need to comb it out again to help cleanse your hair in a thorough manner.

Rinse that sexy hair out!

Make sure that you rinse any of the styling aids and or conditioner which has to be left on that you used on your hair previously. When rinsing your hair out, use the tips of your fingers to give your hair a gentle stroke.
Once your hair is free of any hair care products that you have used previously, pour a little bit of shampoo onto one of you hands and then rub both hands together. After you have rubbed your hands together, apply the shampoo to your scalp. Make sure that you get the shampoo down into the roots of your hair.
Shampooing once isn’t going to get the job done right. The first shampoo is done in order to wash away any dirt or filth that is sitting in your hair. Make sure that you shampoo your hair a second time so that the hair can become treated properly. Once you have applied the second round of shampoo to your hair, let it soak in for a couple of minute and then rinse it out.

You shampooed your hair twice, now what?

Now it’s time to get all of the water out of your hair. Do this by simply squeezing the water out of your hair. Your hair is the most fragile when it’s wet, so make sure that you don’t pull on it as it can break very easily. Once you have squeezed all of the water out of your hair, pour some conditioner on one you hands and rub both of your hand together. Now, apply the conditioner to your hair and let it sit in your hair for about ten minutes. You can use a shower cap to help keep the conditioner in your hair. Once you have left the condition in your hair for ten minute, rinse your hair out thoroughly.
As you can see, washing your hair can take up a little bit of time when you do it the right way. Keep in mind, having sexy hair takes time and commitment.

Effective Hair Care That Combats Dandruff

When it comes to dandruff, many people don’t like having it. After all, it’s messy and can flake off everywhere. What many people don’t realize is that one out of every two people suffer from dandruff. With the appropriate hair care measures, you can help put that dandruff where it belongs. Off of your head!
Let’s start off by getting an understanding about what dandruff really is. Simply put, dandruff is better known as having a dry and flaky scalp that can itch at times. Dandruff is often times thought about resembling snow that falls to the ground, because it is so fine and when it falls, it looks like snow falling from your head. Now, let’s move onto the hair care tips that can help alleviate your head from that annoying dandruff.

Your first step to the right hair care is the shampoo that you use.

This is the same whether we’re talking about healthy hair or hair that has become the victim of dandruff. When it comes to winning the battle with dandruff, you need to invest in quality anti-dandruff shampoo. Some anti-dandruff shampoos will take away the nutrients that your hair needs in order to prosper in a healthy manner. Make sure that you’re well aware about the anti-dandruff shampoo that you’re choosing. Another thing to keep in mind is that you may need an anti-dandruff shampoo or condition which is specially designed for hair that is dry or greasy.

When you dry your hair, don’t use an electronic during your first couple of dandruff hair care times.

Just use a towel and dry it that way. Steer away from any other method of drying or styling it that involves electronic hair care accessories.

Take good care of your combs.

Your combs have a great effect on your hair care outcome. You want to make sure that your brushes and combs are washed out thoroughly on a regular basis. Last but not least, NEVER SHARE YOUR COMB WITH ANYONE ELSE. Enough said?
When it comes to dandruff, effect hair care measures can help it become a thing of the past. There are many great dandruff shampoos and conditions which provides the level of hair care that you need in order to keep dandruff from reappearing on your head of hair. If you follow the 3 steps that were in this post, you are sure to become successful when it comes to effective dandruff hair care.

Improve Your Diet, Improve Your Hair

My hair does not grow. I am serious about it. I spend 50 dollars every 2 months on the “best” hair supplements you can buy to stimulate hair growth. If I am honest, the only results I really see from the pills are growth in my nails. However, I am paranoid to quit the pills because I do not want my hair to get worse. Do not get me wrong – it is not that my hair is bad. It is just that I do not have those beautiful long locks that I would love. My hair is very fine, not too thick, and it seems to stop growing a few inches below my shoulders.
Since the b-carotene from the pills does not seem to be doing the trick, I have realized that maybe something else is off. I use good hair products – the best you can buy, so I know that my products are not causing the issue. The problem might lie in my diet.
It makes sense that just like we take care of our bodies we must also take care of our hair. However, we often forget the “diet” factor that is involved in the health of our hair. It is not enough to simply use good products. In fact, for your hair to stay healthy, it needs a proper diet.
One of the most important things that you can keep in mind for your hair is adding high quality antioxidant foods to your diet. This means you need to make sure that you eat enough fruits and vegetables. These foods are loaded with antioxidants that give your hair the nutrition it needs to remain healthy. Also, eat foods with whole grains for minerals and vitamins. And, lean protein will help you get the iron you need to keep your hair healthy.
If you are not drinking enough water, you will find that your hair will be dry and dull. Drink water to keep your hair hydrated and silky. Aim to drink 10 glasses per day.
Also, if body is an issue for your hair, the fiber from fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes will be great to help with that issue.
The point is, when it comes to your hair, it is important that you focus on more than just products and supplements. Eating healthy is vital to the health of your hair and will make a tremendous difference on the overall appearance of your hair.

Sexy Hair Care Tips

We all know that managing hair is an everyday routine. Regardless of what style of hair you may have, curly, thick, frizzy, thin, etc. There are many simple easy ways to manage healthy, strong, and sexy hair.

Our hair styles vary so managing your hair is requires a unique approach.

These sexy hair tips will be come in handy when it comes to maintaining a healthy, shiny, and strong head of hair for anyone. Did you know that in chemical terms your hair is 90% A-Keratin and 10% water? Even when hair is dead it is still quite strong, except when it’s wet. Wet hair is actually a lot more fragile than dry hair.

The difference between straight and curly hair has a lot to do with a further chemical component.

The A-Keratin and other proteins in your hair help to form a bond, created by the sulfur atoms which are found the A-Keratin and the proteins within your hair. With that said, this chemical makeup is what determines if you have a head of curly hair or a head of straight hair.

Detangling long hair is a well known problem.

Detangling your hair before shampooing or getting it wet will be very helpful. Another helpful tip is that when showering try rinsing your hair with cold water. While rinsing your hair, using a downward stroke with the hands is another effective way to eliminate the tangling problem with long tangled hair.

Conditioning more on the ends of your hair is effective approach to eliminate split-ends.

After washing your hair, follow up with a hair dryer. After that, instead of brushing, run a wide tooth comb through your hair for a sexy appeal. All of the available artificial electrical appliances are effective but if your hair gets too hot, it will become even more brittle which makes it easy to break causing the ends to split.

Tips for sexier fine hairstyles

A helpful tip to give your fine hair a sexy look is to keep it cut short, as layering fine hair will only make it thinner. Fine hair is limp and unable to carry the weight of longer hairstyles.
Once again, avoiding use of any excessive heat from curling irons and blow dryers will help hair from becoming easy to break. The breakage of hair will result in split ends, and with this tip, you will minimize the risk of making your hair a victim of split ends.

Using effective and healthy shampoos as well as hair care products is another step towards having sexy hair.

Make sure that you read the labels of any hair care products that you use, this will help you become aware of what your hair is being exposed to. By minimizing the amount of hair spray or hair gel that you use, you will be able to keep your hair away from the risk of drying out.
If you’re looking for sexy and stronger hair, these tips will help you with obtaining that hair care goal. Good luck in your quest for sexy hair.