1.) Make room for mini meditations through out your day, close the door at your office, hold your calls, and just relax for five minutes. Hubert Benson, the co-founder of Harvard’s Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, recommends doing this a few times throughout the day. It allows you to turn everything off and recharge
Friday, September 24, 2010
Top 10 Health Tips for 2010
1.) Make room for mini meditations through out your day, close the door at your office, hold your calls, and just relax for five minutes. Hubert Benson, the co-founder of Harvard’s Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, recommends doing this a few times throughout the day. It allows you to turn everything off and recharge
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Basic Health Tips To Practice Everyday
Eat a more balanced meal ( this doesn’t mean balancing a shake and a hamburger in both hands while trying to control the steering wheel) and eat at regular intervals. Actually sit down and have a nice healthy bowl of soup, or a nice balanced meal with meat, veggies and other good for you items. Take time to yourself, get reacquainted with your family and friends.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Avoid Weakened Muscle’s Disasters
This is especially important as our bodies become older, because the eventual outcome of inactivity is often the loss basic muscular strength and even the ability to take care of ourselves. When muscles weaken due to lack of use, lifting simple objects becomes harder if not impossible without injury, the risk of falls and other weakness related injuries increases, and the very ability to maintain healthy activity becomes almost unthinkable, making the effects of inactivity exponential.
One statistic that should motivate you to keep up with muscle activity is the fact that almost one quarter of all people of retirement age or above who have a fall that results in a fractured hip will live no more than one full year after the accident. The main reason for these falls is that the inactive person soon weakens to the point that regular balance during walking is severely effected. Even if you have never been involved in heavy physical activity before in your life, before this happens to you, considering strength training for you muscles should definately become a part of your everyday activities.
There are several benefits to even the lightest forms of muscle strength training, just a few of which are listed here.
- An increase in lean muscle mass- This adds to not only your ability to lift and maintain body strength, but also aiding in the burning of calories essential to maintaining proper weight control.
- Increased bone density- As we age, our bodies begin to lose the ability to efficiently process calcium for bone strength. Strength training helps to maintain bone density, warding off significantly the chances of hip fractures, broken wrists, and other forms of bone injuries that can seriously debilitate your ability to remain active in the future.
- Decreased blood pressure – Exercise, not only provides you with a stress release, but as a result, has an active ability to keep blood pressure at a manageable level, further reducing the chances for heart disease, strokes, and hypertension related disease.
- Lower cholesterol levels and decreased obesity risks- Cholesterol and weight gain seem to be constant enemies as we get older. Muscle strength training helps to control these two factors, sometimes much more effectively than medicine alone can.
Combat Insomnia Without Medication
Combat Insomnia Without Medication
Insomnia 1Many people suffer from a sleep disorder known as insomnia. Insomnia is caused by many different factors including stress and an irregular sleep cycle. Most people opt for the chemical method of dealing with it because it doesn’t take any effort or thought. Take a pill, go to sleep. What they don’t consider is the side effects that come from these types of pills, not the least of which is addiction.
Natural remedies exist for dealing with insomnia, including research to find out the root of the insomnia. Relaxation is important to sleep quality. You need to learn to really relax your body in order to allow it to fall asleep naturally. Progressive muscle relaxation helps the body to systematically release tension, this means start at one point of your body and make it relax. Extremities like toes are a good place to start, or start from your center and radiate the relaxation outward picturing the stress releasing from your body through your fingers and toes, which ever works for you best. You may want to exercise before you begin the relaxation technique as exercise will strengthen, tire out, and help to relax the muscles, giving you a head start.
Follow the same routine every night so your body gets into a habit and is conditioned for a sleep response.