In today’s world, we seem to be moving at a lot faster pace but not getting any exercise. Our movement seems to be by computer, telephone, car, train, plane and a multitude of other fast paced modes of transportation along physical and informational highways.
We never seem to have the time to actually exercise by riding a bike or swimming, hiking or just playing a nice game of football at the park down the street. We have a telephone, computer, gps and Ipod in one hand and a shake, hamburger and fries in the other. This is surely a recipe for unhealthy living.
We need to learn to empty both hands and let them relax a little. Sit down or lay down and let the world slow down around you. This doesn’t mean drop into your bed in exhaustion, it means take some time to yourself, sit by the pool, read a book or other form of literature (reading the Wall Street Journal doesn’t count). Listen to some relaxing music, practice some deep breathing techniques and really learn how to help your body totally relax.
Eat a more balanced meal ( this doesn’t mean balancing a shake and a hamburger in both hands while trying to control the steering wheel) and eat at regular intervals. Actually sit down and have a nice healthy bowl of soup, or a nice balanced meal with meat, veggies and other good for you items. Take time to yourself, get reacquainted with your family and friends.
Eat a more balanced meal ( this doesn’t mean balancing a shake and a hamburger in both hands while trying to control the steering wheel) and eat at regular intervals. Actually sit down and have a nice healthy bowl of soup, or a nice balanced meal with meat, veggies and other good for you items. Take time to yourself, get reacquainted with your family and friends.