Anxiety- What You Need To Know
I was interested to find out that over 40 million people per year are affected with an anxiety disorder. In fact, today, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses seen in America. Like me, it may be possible that you suffer from some type of anxiety.
When most people think of anxiety, they tend to think of the nerves that come before major events – a big test, the important business presentation, or even a first date. However, someone who struggles with an anxiety disorder may often feel frightened or distressed. Often, they will even feel uneasy for no particular reason. If anxiety is not treated, a person’s productivity and quality of life is usually affected and worsened.
Anxiety comes in many forms. Not every person that struggles with anxiety has the same type of problems. You have probably heard about theses common disorders:
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This happens when you constantly worry about something you cannot control.
• Panic Disorder. This type of disorder comes with panic attacks and the person will often worry that something bad is going to happen. There may be a fear of dying. Additionally, physical symptoms related to chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, and dizziness are common.
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This illness happens after a traumatic experience – war, rape, child abuse, and natural disasters. It is not uncommon to experience nightmares and flashbacks to the traumatic event.
• Phobia. This is when a person is scared of something that poses no significant danger.
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This disorder lasts at least 6 months. A person will experience exaggerated worry about routine daily activities. Usually, they expect the worst. In addition, they often become fatigued, and can develop muscle tension, headaches, and nausea.
• Panic Disorder. This type of disorder comes with panic attacks and the person will often worry that something bad is going to happen. There may be a fear of dying. Additionally, physical symptoms related to chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, and dizziness are common.
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This illness happens after a traumatic experience – war, rape, child abuse, and natural disasters. It is not uncommon to experience nightmares and flashbacks to the traumatic event.
• Phobia. This is when a person is scared of something that poses no significant danger.
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This disorder lasts at least 6 months. A person will experience exaggerated worry about routine daily activities. Usually, they expect the worst. In addition, they often become fatigued, and can develop muscle tension, headaches, and nausea.
The good news for anyone who is suffering from anxiety is that treatment is readily available. Luckily, because of the extensity of the illness, there are more medications available than ever to combat the problem. If the first one does not work, there is definitely another option you can try. Also, consider psychotherapy and talk to a doctor about the best options for you.
Do You Suffer From Depression?
Sometimes the word depression can seem like a turn-off to people these days. However, it has become more and more common, especially as health experts have learned more about it. The mental disorder can be treated, whether you doctor wants to prescribe you some anti-depressants or start you on psychotherapy.
Before you visit your doctor, make sure that the majority of your systems line up with those that have depression. Chronic fatigue is one of the biggest systems of the disorder. It is what can cause you to be tired throughout the day and have difficulty waking up. However, people with depression can also experience insomnia or even hyperinsomnia. It may be likely that your sleep patterns our off. You may also experience irritation and/or restlessness.
Other systems for depression include appetite changes. Also, some people experience a change in their weight – they either lose or gain weight depending on their situation. If you do have depression, you will probably have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. And, those with extreme cases often have suicidal thought and even sometimes attempt suicide.
Depression can be a result of several different factors. Often it is brought on by a change in circumstance. For some people, they have a genetic vulnerability to depression. For others, they may become depressed because they have low self-esteem. Depression can also be brought on from pessimistic thinking. Also, stressful situations and times can lead to depression. In addition, someone who is experiencing violence and abuse can also feel depressed. Another leading cause of the disorder is poverty. It is even possible to experience depression because of a sickness – for a lot of people this sickness is cancer. And, for some people depression can occur because of a basic vitamin deficiency.
If you are someone who is struggling with depression, it might be wise to seek the help and counsel of a doctor. They will be able to advise you best on how to proceed with treated the disorder. However, for anyone who is depressed, it is important to make sure that you are not neglecting your diet and exercise. Work on eating healthy and exercising regularly and it will make a difference.
What You Might Not Know About OCD
It can be hard to find a professional that has an insight and understanding of OCD that also has the strength to keep you moving forward.
Once you find a qualified professional, you will not get full benefit of their help unless you follow their advice. If you have questions, make sure you have them answered to your satisfaction and understanding. Once you are aware and understand what is expected of you, you will need to trust that person well enough to follow their instructions. Give the therapist feedback; while you are not a therapist, you are the only person that truly knows how the therapy is affecting you. Your therapist may not fully understand the effects of OCD because they’ve never had it; however, they have been trained to a certain extent and their interaction with you will allow them to tailor their therapy to your needs.
You may begin to feel that the psychiatrist is your friend and your confidant, but there are boundaries that can never be crossed in that relationship. The relationship is a professional one and no inappropriate behavior should be accepted from either party. If you lose trust in your therapist then you might consider finding another one. Follow your needs and your judgment, however, don’t discount the therapist because you don’t want to follow the therapy.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Not everyone who has bipolar disorder will know it. Sometimes the swings in mood that a person experiences are so gradual that the individual does not notice the wide chasm between the extremes. Often the psychological effects of the moods themselves, or the chemical occurrences in the body can cloud judgment or environmental conditioning allow the person to believe that everything is “normal”.
Some people may experience a light euphoria or may go into full blown mania before going on in the reverse direction resulting in feelings of apathy, or en worst cases, possibly suicidal depression. While changes in mood are normal, rushes towards the extremes, whether chronic and prolonged, or with fast onset and short in duration, should be discussed with your doctor and treated by a trained professional.
While medical attention for bipolar disorder is a must, there are still several things that you can do on your own to make sure your body is best helped in its battle to moderate emotions and physical chemical balances.
Eating right and getting plenty of exercise can often elevate mood without resorting to crashes later on. Cutting out empty calories and processed foods high in simple carbohydrate and sugars can not only keep you feeling your best, but can also help moderate levels of insulin and hormone creation in the body.
Lowering stress by discovering and enjoying a relaxing hobby, or even getting a small pet for companionship are all things that can help to keep us in good spirits.
While the physical symptoms of bipolar disorder can be treated in various ways by your physical doctor, the help of a mental health specialist can help you to develop the skills to better deal with the emotional response that comes with chemical changes in the body, as well as the complications and frustrations that can be placed on a persons lifestyle as a result of their bipolar disorder. Following the advice of both your physical doctor, as well as your therapist of counselor, while doing all you can on your own by changing personal behavior patterns, can help you to manage bipolar disorder a lot better than dealing with it on your own.
Getting Answers On ADHD
Misconception number one. My child has been tested for ADHD.
There are several factors that must be taken into consideration before a person can be said to have problems with ADHD. There is not urine test or other simple sample evaluation process that signifies the existence of ADHD. ADHD is not a known chemical imbalance or a specific disease as in the presence of a specific physical defect in the body, but rather a whole host of symptoms and symptomatic reactions that when taken together, give a consistent picture of what we refer to as ADHD. Behavioral patterns are not enough. Reaction to physical stimulus or chemical makeup alone are not enough. Even when diagnosed with ADHD, it is best to seek out a second opinion as even the definition of ADHD and the severity and extent to which the disease is thought to be able to be controlled by medicine alone can vary from one medical professional to another.Schools diagnose ADHD.
Teachers and educational professionals play a large part of our children’s lives and our children have a huge impact on theirs. But even with daily close contact and the best intentions at heart, a person who is not a medical expert for one, and a specialist in ADHD in children for two, has no authority to administer a diagnosis of ADHD on a child. Often there are other issues at hand. The most common reason for teacher diagnosis is in fact misbehavior. A child who acts up in class more than the others or has problems focusing does not necessarily have ADHD, but might just be bored. It is my personal opinion that it is sometimes the teacher, unable to maintain the attention of young children, is a problem, and not the child at all. That is not to say that the observations of the educational community are to be ignored, but should be backed up with medical expertise before taking unneeded action.
Misconception number three, ADHD children are intellectually impaired.
ADHD can definitely have a negative impact on academic performance and may even disrupt social skills, but intelligence is not the issue here. There are several incredibly smart people who are affected by ADHD. The inability to concentrate on material at hand or simply being able to stay motivated for any length of time for any single task has nothing to do with how smart a person is. ADHD is a medical condition with accompanying psychological and sometimes behavioral repercussions, but these symptoms usually only act as a barrier to education if they are left unchecked, uncontrolled, and unchanged. Getting over the fear of stigma or guilt, and making sure that ADHD is managed at the first sign of trouble is the best way to ensure that your child continues to learn at a normal pace and does not fall behind the others.
Adult ADHD Symptoms & Treatment
ADHD is an attention disorder that can usually be controlled by improving the connections between synaptic receptors in the brain that process information. In adult ADHD, the chemical balances that regulate such transmissions is disrupted, and thus the connections, causing loss of the ability to focus, remain committed to activities, or to generally stay motivated. Small doses of prescription medication has shown to improve the connection in the synaptic chain, allowing better processing of information and hormone responses that control these brain-behavioral functions.
ADHD is often diagnosed in adults as they are no longer in the educational system, and the inability to remain on task or keep thoughts in focus is not paid attention to in the same manner. While the child in school might get a referral to the school medical clinic for testing, the adult is usually offered no more than the threat of lost employment or discriminatory behavior as they are seen as lazy or unintelligent.
This same stigma is also a contributing factor in adults not seeking medical treatment for adult ADHD, especially amongst men. The need to seek medical treatment for ADHD is urgent as well as extremely beneficial for the adult who exhibits ADHD symptoms. The difference that proper diagnosis and treatment of ADHD can make in an adults life can be dramatic. Even small imbalances in hormone levels and chemical reactions can have profound effects on the mind and body. Sometimes the mental clarity and ability to focus can be greatly benefitted by better diet and medication without the need for any further medical intervention, though some sort of psychological counseling is usually recommended to deal with the emotional changes that can sometimes come with coping with ADHD or as side effects of medication.
Far from being something to be ashamed of, getting treatment for your adult ADHD can be the best thing that you can do to for your own health and the health of your family. Like other mental and physical health issues, the patient is usually one in a host of people affected, and ADHD is no different.
4 Step Depression Treatment
The first thing, and the most readily available to management and self control is diet. Vitamin D has been shown to affect mood levels and is very important for alertness and mental health. If you are overweight, underweight, or struggling with eating unhealthy foods, this can have a drastic impact on your ability to control mood. This is the first factor that you need to make sure is optimized for good physical an mental health.
Inactivity can also be a major source of unhappiness, both on a physiological as well as an emotional level. Get out and take a walk, ride bike, or swim. Just getting in 20 minutes of energetic activity a day can help to elevate mood and ward of boredom.
If you low mood is not affected by lifestyle change alone, it is time to seek out professional help. The help of a mental help professional can help you to decide if your depression is mainly an emotional disorder that might be able to be managed through counseling sessions, or if a referral to a physician to see if medication might be needed. There is nothing to be ashamed of, mental health is not different than any other health need, other than the fact that stigma increases the likelihood of lack of treatment due to refusal to acknowledge there is a problem at all.
If medication is needed, then working closely with your doctor and open communication is essential to making sure that the best medication at the appropriate levels helps you to control mood swings as well as allowing you a happy and normal life. There are many people taking depression medication without noticeable difference in behavior or physical ability. Depending on the medication program that is chosen to help you with you depression, regular visits to monitor your progress or regression into depression related symptoms will follow, allowing both you and your doctor to optimize the results of your medication and other treatment.
Nature VS Nurture & Drug Addiction
There are actually three roles in a person’s life that contribute to the successful management or susceptibility to falling prey to addiction:
Lifestyle and social choices- A person who never takes their first drink will not have to deal with the physical addiction of the disease. If a person is not exposed to alcohol, or chooses not to expose their body to it, then disaster is preemptively avoided. In homes where drinking is the common thing to do this can be much harder and thus the second influencing factor on addictive behavior, environment.
Children who grow up around binge drinking, drunkenness, or otherwise irresponsible alcohol or other drug use, whether in the familial or social environment are more likely to consume alcohol or other drugs than those in drug and alcohol free environments. There are exceptions to this rule, but a permissive atmosphere, or an environment where alcohol education is insufficient but supply of alcohol apparent tends to favor alcohol abuse more readily than other environments without such factors.
A family history of alcoholism is a sure sign that a person may be at higher risk of falling into alcoholic patterns. If your parents are/were alcoholic, the chances of you developing alcoholism are 3-400% higher than in non alcoholic families, and 200% higher if alcoholism was present in the previous generation. These numbers are astronomical, and though heredity cannot be controlled, hedging your chances of avoiding trouble for your kids by providing good lifestyle choices as well as a healthy atmosphere are controllable. We can’t just sit back and blame it all on nature. As parents it is our job to nurture our children.
Yoga Myths- Don’t Be Misled
Yoga in its current form is not a meditation based religion (though it seems to have derived from and is an integral part of Hinduism, Buddism and Jainism primarily because of the meditation aspects). Yoga was originally developed in India, yoga’s basic meaning is a joining, in this case a joining of mind and body on a higher plain. Yoga in its current form is an exercise system that includes deep meditation, connecting the spiritual mind with the physical body. With this connection, controlling the breathing mechanisms of the body and producing power from deep within to control all physical aspects of body movement, centering the body through the focus of the mind.
Spiritual meditation is a very integral part of yoga, without this aspect, you will not get the full effect of the physical aspect. Yoga is geared to promote the health of the mind, body and spirit by uniting them and giving clarity, peace and compassion. Yoga is such a powerful experience that it has been known for helping lower high blood pressure, relieving excess stress and tension, causing the body muscles to relax and release trapped waste products within them. This has the effect of healthier muscles that are more able to access the rich oxygenated blood running through more open free flowing blood vessels.
Through yoga, you can create a calmness and peace within your spirit, build strength and flexibility in your body and create a unity between the two that will keep you healthier than any unnatural diet or exercise schemes. You will be able to promote your
own wellness by helping to cleanse your internal organs and promote focus and mental awareness by your meditation.
own wellness by helping to cleanse your internal organs and promote focus and mental awareness by your meditation.
What You Need To Know About Pilates
Pilates (pronounced puh lah teez) was created by a fellow named Joseph Pilates during the First World War in Germany. The basis of his concept is that mental and physical health are intertwined, without one you could not have the other. The concept of his exercise program was to strengthen and rehabilitate the returning veterans by not only working on their physical problems, but also working on their mental health by way of meditation, breathing, learning how to relax not only the body but the mind. Learning on how to focus the mind and then set it free.
It was originally known as The Pilates Principles to condition the entire body, correcting proper alignment, learning body centering, concentration enhancement, control, precision, controlled breathing and flowing movement. This system was so successful with the returning veterans, that it began to spread past the ones in need to the every day people associated with the veterans and as they increased their health, they spread the word even further. This type of exercise is becoming more and more popular as its success becomes more known.Pilates is basically a hybrid between calisthenics and yoga. It is designed to strengthen your abs, and back while stretching your muscles and relaxing your body and your mind. The calisthenics portion is geared towards not only working your muscles but learning how to control your breathing under stress and learning how to center your body in motion. The yoga portion was more centered on controlling the mind and emotions, This combination of techniques produced a program that was infinitely customizable from the weak of body or pregnant all the way up to the strong bodied that might be troubled of mind.
In the practice of Pilates, it is said that all of your energy comes from the core of your body. This is the center of your existence. Your mid section is the powerhouse that drives the rest of your body. From this portion comes the strength and control that is exuded through your extremities. Breathing is very important to this exercise. The control of your breathing should give you strength, quiet and release. Through proper breathing throughout the prescribed motions you can effectively rid your muscles of the waste products they tend to hold on to. This exercise system is targeted at making your body not only stronger, but more flexible it will also help with your posture because it targets the muscles that stabilizes your structure.
What makes people become depressed?
When it comes to mental health, depression is a growing problem in today’s world. In fact, more people are actually becoming the victims of depression more today than ever before. There are many factors which play a role in mental health. When it comes to what plays a role in depression this can include but is definitely not limited to what happens to a person daily, medical condition, genetics, and the way a person reacts to the events that occurs in life.
How can a person’s medical condition play a role when it comes to depression?
A person’s hormones level has a direct effect on their mood. With that said, particular medical conditions mess with the hormone levels, thus caused a mood change. There are certain medical conditions that actually have the ability to cause a state of depression, making a person feel sad or left out.Intoxication can lead to depression.
Simply put, drugs and alcohol definitely don’t have a positive effect when it comes to one’s mental health. In fact, more people experience depression when they’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol than have positive mental health effects.
Did you know that the environment which surrounds one can have a direct effect on depression?
This is more commonly known among adolescents than it is adults. However, it does occur in people of all ages. The stress level, vibes of the surrounding, and much more plays a role when it comes to whether or not one experience depression. Being around negativity and a high stress level can cause depression quicker than anything.
What happens in one’s life can build up and cause depression.
Many people let things that happen in their lives build up. This has a similar effect to that of a volcano. A person can only hold in so much grief until it becomes a serious problem. When the things that are built up start causing a problem, this usually leads to depression. This happens especially when a lot of grief is involved.
Depression put simple.
Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance within the human brain. It has some very bad side effects ranging from sadness to making someone have urges to kill themselves. If you or someone you know has depression, it is critical that the person gets into mental health treatment. As time presses, depression will only get worse. Don’t let depression take over your body. You never know when it’s going to be too late.