Are you drinking enough milk?
To remain active and healthy, your body needs calcium. Without it you would lose bone mass and weaken, increasing your chances of injury while making it harder for you to maintain the strength needed to exercise. Drinking milk is a great way to get the calcium you need on a daily basis. Drinking milk helps to protect teeth, protect against heart disease, and allow muscle contractions.
Many people have dairy for breakfast, if they eat breakfast. The bad news is that many Americans skip breakfast on a weekly basis at least once, and out of the ones that faithfully get up and eat a healthy meal in the morning, a certain percentage of them either eat the wrong types of foods, or forget to get the other 2/3 of their recommended daily intake of calcium for good bone and muscle health by carrying on the habit during other meals. Dietary guidelines recommend at least 3 servings of calcium rich products each and every day, with dairy products and green leafy vegetables the best sources of natural calcium.
What is at stake?
Osteoporosis affects 1 out of every pair of people on the planet after the age of 50. Lack of calcium in the diet and lack of physical activity can increase your chances of osteoporosis later on in life, but that does not mean that you have time to waste. Bone development in young adults is usually completed by the age of 25, and up to this point, calcium is important to the development of bone tissue and the strengthening of it. after this point calcium is needed to replenish calcium leaving the body and to decrease the amount of bone mass lost as we get older. The first half of life is important to build out defenses, and the second half to preserve them.
Falls become more of a concern for older adults. This is quite reasonable when you consider that a large percentage of older adults who have a fall that results in a broken hip do not live longer than a year after the fact. Getting enough calcium now and in the future can help hedge your chances of not becoming a statistic, and enjoying the ability to remain active and in tip top shape for many years to come.
If a person is lactose intolerant, other foods other than dairy products that are rich in calcium as well. If needed, there are lactose free calcium supplements that can be taken to make up in deficiency.
Wipe Out Bad Sugar In Order To Wipe Out Bad Health
A regular can of soda contains the same amount of sugar that you would find in 10 teaspoons of table sugar. While sugar is a carbohydrate, and the body needs carbohydrates to function, other types of carbohydrates are available, such as whole grains and many fruits and vegetables. The amount of sugar, especially in the form of glucose, as is found in soft drinks and candy is an extremely unhealthy and high percentage intake compared to what is actually needed on a daily basis for good health. Glucose enters the bloodstream at a very fast rate, and is especially hard for the body to utilize in any efficient fashion. Processed foods, especially bleached or otherwise ‘enriched” breads and pastas produce high amounts of glucose when digested and present the same problem.
Simple carbs are sugars that are formed previous to digestion, and can be found in fruits and vegetables and milk products. While both naturally occurring sugars and processed carbohydrates and sugars are considered simple carbohydrates, the two are not the same. The naturally occurring sugars are accompanied with all of the other nutrients, vitamins, and fiber that the sugar host provides, while processed foods are usually deprived of any nutritional value upon taking their processed form. This state of nutrition-less processing labels these as “bad carbs” and contribute to obesity and other health problem while offering little or no benefits.
Eating processed foods and sugars are not only an easy way to flood the body with an excess supply of simple sugars with no real nutritional benefit, there are also other negative factors that need to be considered when considering the effects of processed foods on the average person’s health.
- The chances of becoming obese is increased literally exponential to the amount of sugars consumed and the amount of nutrition value absent due to processing.
- In pastas and processed breads, the carbohydrates and sugars added significantly increase the chances of tooth decay as they tend to advance damage and change to sugar more rapidly that have complex carbohydrates.
- Flooding the system with simple sugars at regular intervals can actually result in sugar addiction, making the risk of developing serious health related issues and the inability to control intake often lost without the help of an physician or mental health professional.
In order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of processed carbohydrates and sugars, knowing the other terms and names that these added ingredients go by can be quite helpful. Look for all forms of the word sweetener, as in corn or the words glucose, fructose, and syrups such as malt or maple, any honey, molasses, and even white grape juice (which is almost pure fructose).
Most people get enough protein in a balanced diet for good muscular health, and many get much more protein than they actually need. In Western culture meat is often considered the main, and largest course in a meal, and while providing the body with much needed protein, too much meat, especially red meats, can also bring along massive amounts of fat and if prepared in a restaurant, usually plenty of salt to go along with that. The extra fat and salt are retained by the body, and the excess protein is either stored as fat or exits the body as waste.
The more active a person is the more protein the body can utilize, and the more muscle can be built. Inactivity causes even the smallest amount of protein to go to waste or go to the waist. It is either converted to fat and will later be used as energy, or passed from the body. Smaller cuts of meat and the introduction of vegetable, fish, and soybean sources of protein can be a great way to maintain proper protein levels without overindulging. The other option is to increase exercise that also brings with it increased benefits in both the present and for the future. Protein rich fish is also high in Omega 3 fatty acids that promote heart health, which can give it a healthy edge over beef or poultry.
Carbohydrates: The Body’s Edible Food Factories
There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates process into sugars very quickly as well as having very little nutritional benefits. One example is fructose. Fructose, usually eaten in the form of processed grains or sweetener, rapidly floods the blood with sugars that are above and beyond the processing ability of insulin in the system. Excess sugars are instead stored in the body as fat, and the binge leaves the body with too much too fast, with complete absence nutrition in its wake.
Complex carbohydrates on the other hand go through a more gradual and balanced processing, are usually part of foods with the added vitamins and minerals that provide the body with much needed nutritional support, and provide the body with needed energy at a more reasonable level over a longer period of time. Whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables often are great sources of complex carbohydrates, though some fruits do contain sucrose and fructose in higher levels than vegetables and whole grains.
This is the very reason that it is easier for a person with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels with complex carbohydrates than with simple carbs. With society pushing for faster and faster food on the go, and the emphasis on cheap production in large quantity the norm in commercial food production, the amount of processed foods and simple carbohydrates consumed by the general population, and intake of complex carbs and other nutritional food on the decrease. Many diseases that top the charts for fatality every year could be significantly decreased if this trend could be reversed, even if the amount of food consumed did not change. The absence of nutrients in our diet, combined with forcing our bodies to respond to the rollercoaster of chemical reactions involved in digesting the unhealthy food we do eat has created an environment prone to imbalance and extremes. Carbohydrates are our friends, and we have turned them into our enemy.
Healthy Recipes: Unleash the crab burgers!
- 1 lb. Crab Meat
- 1 Egg (Beat Lightly)
- 1/2 Cup Japanese Bread Crumbs
- 1/4 cup light mayonnaise
- 2 Tbsp. Chives (Make sure they’re minced well!)
- 1 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard
- 1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
- 1 Tsp. Celery Seeds
- 1 Tsp. Onion Powder
- 1/4 Tsp. Ground Pepper (Use Fresh Ingredients!)
- 4 Splashes of hot sauce. Customize to your taste.
- 1 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 Tsp. Butter or Margarine
How long does this take to make?
When it’s time for a quick meal, you can have this along with a side salad in 20 minutes. That’s quick! A crab burger and a side salad is a very healthy and plentiful meal. This burger is so easy that anyone can make it.
Healthy Recipe Instructions
Yields: 6 Crab Burgers
1. Mix the Japanese bread crumbs, egg, crab meat, celery seeds, lemon juice, chives, mustard, hot sauce, mayo, and pepper into a large bowl. Use this mix to form 6 crab burger patties.
2. Heat a skillet that contains the extra virgin olive oil and butter/margarine over medium heat, do this until you see the butter begin to foam a little bit. Cook the crab burger patties until they are golden brown in color, this is usually around four minutes per side of the crab burger.
Delicious Black Bean Burgers
Many people who have considered going vegetarian, get a little anxious when they think of sitting down to eat and not seeing a big steak or a burger with fries staring back at them. Visualization is a large part of eating, but pleasing one’s taste buds is equally important. The following recipes are recommended, not only for the devoted vegetarian, but for anyone who just desires something a little different – and gain some healthy living at the same time.
You will like this recipe for Black Bean Patties because it is easy to make as well as very tasty.
You will like this recipe for Black Bean Patties because it is easy to make as well as very tasty.
Preparation time: 10 minutes — Cooking time: 10 minutes.
½ onion, diced
1 can black beans, well drained
½ cup flour
2 slices bread, crumbled
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp seasoned salt
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying
½ onion, diced
1 can black beans, well drained
½ cup flour
2 slices bread, crumbled
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp seasoned salt
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying
Preparation: Sauté onions till soft, about 3 to 5 minutes.
In a large bowl, mash beans until almost smooth, add sautéed onions and rest of ingredients, except oil, adding the flour a few tablespoons at a time to combine well.
In a large bowl, mash beans until almost smooth, add sautéed onions and rest of ingredients, except oil, adding the flour a few tablespoons at a time to combine well.
Mixture will be thick.
Form bean mixture into patties, approximately ½ inch thick and fry patties in small amount of oil until slightly firm. Enjoy!
For those who might prefer a spicier burger, try this recipe for “Slightly Spicy” Black Bean Burgers (very good and cheap!)
Preparation time: 10 minutes — Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Ingredients (makes 4 burgers):
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained, rinsed
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup frozen corn
1-2 teaspoon chopped garlic (bottled is fine)
½ cup chopped onion
¼ teaspoon cumin
1 (6 ounce) can green chili sauce
2 tablespoons salsa (mild, or as you like it)
1 ½ teaspoons chili powder
½ cup flour
½ cup dry breadcrumbs
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained, rinsed
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup frozen corn
1-2 teaspoon chopped garlic (bottled is fine)
½ cup chopped onion
¼ teaspoon cumin
1 (6 ounce) can green chili sauce
2 tablespoons salsa (mild, or as you like it)
1 ½ teaspoons chili powder
½ cup flour
½ cup dry breadcrumbs
Directions: Place beans in large bowl and sit aside.
Heat oil in a large frying pan, add onion, garlic, corn and cumin.
Sauté about 2-3 minutes over medium heat.
Add the green chili sauce and sauté another minute or two.
Place in bowl with beans, let cool and mash with stick blender.
Add salsa, chili powder, flour and breadcrumbs.
Stir to blend ingredients with a rubber spatula.
Form into 4 patties and place on wax paper. Can be stored in Tupperware until ready to cook.
Heat oil in a large frying pan, add onion, garlic, corn and cumin.
Sauté about 2-3 minutes over medium heat.
Add the green chili sauce and sauté another minute or two.
Place in bowl with beans, let cool and mash with stick blender.
Add salsa, chili powder, flour and breadcrumbs.
Stir to blend ingredients with a rubber spatula.
Form into 4 patties and place on wax paper. Can be stored in Tupperware until ready to cook.
To cook, spray on one side and sauté on medium heat until browned, repeat on other side.
The cooked burgers can be served on toasted burger buns with pepperjack cheese, mayo, lettuce and tomato, or with any other dressings you desire.
More options:
More options:
If you prefer more beans, you could use two cans of beans in place of one.
For those who are not fond of onions, you might use some Jalapeño peppers, instead.
For those who are not fond of onions, you might use some Jalapeño peppers, instead.
[Note: Canned corn can be used in place of frozen.]
Why are supplements so important today?
Health has become the number one priority in our lives, we need good health or we won’t be living long at all. So for a more healthy body and peace of mind we should concentrate on more holistic living, not that we don’t. It’s just that this day and age it is harder to get all our nutrition even with a well balanced diet.
Our lack of proper nutrition stems from a depletion of agricultural soil.
You just can’t get everything the body needs from every day foods. Organic fruits and veggies are generally better in nutrients than conventionally grown foods, with pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Health is vital for a good life. This is why supplements are needed in our lives today.
Health is the key to fulfilling our desires and goals.
Medicine in every form is aimed toward preventing disease and to cure disorders. To help lead a satisfied life, we need to follow an essential balance of various dimensions, such as physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual realms.
Full bodily functions of the organs are also vital to our health.
We all want to pursue a healthy mind, heart and soul. This day and age we seem to lose connection with nature we tend to lead a more stressful style of living. After all, the world is so fast paced these days, it can be very stressful.
The point of holistic treatment is to support and strengthen the body so that it can manage on its own.
There are several reasons why many can benefit from a natural supplement. For starters, there is no real way to determine if your fruits and veggies at the local supermarket contain enough nutrients for the body, that they should. There are many of us in today’s society that suffer from either a vitamin deficiency or mineral deficiency or both.
These deficiencies are the main reasons why supplements can be a helpful companion in our diets.
You may not realize the impact that even a minor mineral deficiency may have until one starts taking a supplement of some sort. When taken these supplements literally make one feel better, and even sharpen one’s memory. You may not even realize you have a mineral deficiency, but you will know the difference by the time I am done explaining this information to you.
Stress and fatigue are some other problems we face in today’s society that can be aided through the benefits of supplements.
Supplements can also help the balance of hormones, such as HGH and Cortisol. Both these hormones are established from stress and lack of sleep. So if you are one of the many of us suffering from these minor problems, you should consider supplements as a part of your diet too.